This distance course is available anytime so please contact us if you are interested.
Charting Your Course
A Personal Journey Through the Medicine Wheel
New Format offering - Next class starting Spring of 2024
See below for details, costs, and to register

The Medicine Wheel is an ancient symbol used by almost all indigenous original peoples. There are many different ways that this basic concept can be expressed: the four winds, the four cardinal directions, the four grandfathers, and more. Just as a mirror can be used to help us see things not normally visible (like things behind us or around a corner), the Medicine Wheel can help us see and understand things (within ourselves) that we don’t normally perceive.
Each of us holds inside our own map of consciousness, which contains valuable information about who we are, how we came to be where we are now, what our fears and limitations are, and what possibilities are available for us. In this course we will use the tool of the Medicine Wheel to reveal our inner maps, then work to chart them, so we can understand ourselves and know our place and purpose in the cosmos.
Traditionally the sharing of Medicine Wheel teachings has only been offered in a cultural context, for example: the Incan Medicine Wheel, or the Native North American Medicine Wheel. I have discovered that while many of these Wheels represent beautiful models of reality and inner consciousness, it is sometimes difficult for Westerners outside that culture to embrace them as a useful tool in their lives. More often than not they are studied from the perspective of education and interest, and not easily integrated into students’ ongoing (and often changing) life experience.
This unique program offers the richness of The Medicine Wheel as a model for our inner learning and our inter-connectedness with the world around us, then goes one step further to allow each student to discover and develop the specific teachings of the directions in a way that is unique to them, informed and guided by the very land on which they live. All Original Medicine Wheels were developed by indigenous peoples in just this way. Their environment: the climate, the seasons, the plants and wildlife, were critically important factors in the creation and the usefulness of the Wheel.
This program is available in both a workshop format and as an independent home study for people wanting to learn at a distance.
Distance Learning Program - Independent
Total cost: $250.00 (+GST) + Teacher cost estimated at 1/2h per module. Click here to to contact us.
The course consists of 10 units/modules, each representing the equivalent of a one day workshop. To help the student understand and integrate the teachings received from their journey explorations, an instructor will be available to go over each module with the student privately. The class materials are sent via email and the student works through the material at their own pace. Once each module is completed, journey notes are typed up and sent to the instructor (Jaki Daniels, Kim Conard or Maureen Durant), and arrangements are made for a one-on-one review of the material either over the phone, by e-mail or Zoom, for approximately ½ hour per module. Please note: Instructor fees may vary.
An Introductory chapter offering more detail and information is available to anyone considering this program (free of charge) Please email your request to workshops@earthandskyhealing.com.
New Format - Independent plus Zoom class
Ideal for out of town students. Next Class starts March 2024
Combining independent learning with being part of a dedicated group that meets via Zoom one evening a month (7:00-8:30pm). Under Jaki’s guidance; you will review the material presented, share individual journeys and exercises, and receive additional teachings and insights.
Benefits of this format include:
- individuals will gain experience doing journeys and ceremonies on their own, which lays the groundwork for future spiritual practices
- a group format that meets regularly will encourage students to stay on track and complete the course materials in a consistent and timely manner.
Class size: Small group,3-4 people
Dates: Next class starting March 2024 to Feb, 2025
The cost is $250.00 (plus gst) for program materials plus 10 Zoom classes at $50/class (April through January). Payment will be due two weeks before the program starts (payment plans also available).
There is also a final ‘integration’ class offered in February, free of charge to everyone who completed the program, to support student’s continuing involvement with the Wheel and the Directions.
How it all works:
There are 10 modules in the program (2 each for the directions of East, South, West, and North, as well as one module for the Earth and one for the Sky) which will be emailed to you in the appropriate season. You work your way through the module readings, exercises, and journeys, taking notes as you go (estimate 2-4 hours). Each module must be completed in time for the Group Zoom Review class. Example: In Spring (March 2024) you will receive the Introduction to the Program along with the first module on the East Direction which will need to be completed by Zoom class date in April. In April you will receive an email with the second module on the East Direction, which will need to be completed by Zoom class date in May. In May you’ll receive the first module of Summer which will need to be completed by Zoom class date in June etc.
To register:
Please contact Jaki directly by email at jaki@jakidaniels.com
"Thank-you Jaki! Taking the program ‘Charting Your Course – A Personal Journey Through the Medicine Wheel’ has been life changing in the most positive ways. This course provided the path to a deeper and greater appreciation of my connection with spirit, a clearer understanding of who I am: my strengths as well as my limitations, and, ageless tools and techniques to connect with my most inner-self to receive meaningful guidance. Module content was informative, fun, and well-organized. Most of all, your personal commitment and guidance during my progress through each module was immensely valuable, constructive, and supportive of my journey of discovery!"
R. Johnson, High River, AB, 2013
"Studying the medicine wheel program as a distance learning course has been the most profound yet practical healing journey I have had. Jaki masterfully guided me through the teachings to gain deeper understanding of the lessons, challenges and gifts I received, at no stage leaving me feel unsupported. Jaki was always prompt with her correspondence; there was no sense of a barrier to learning due to the distance. I would encourage anyone to study the medicine wheel course offered by Jaki for an improved awareness of self and other, spirit and land, and our role as human beings within the natural world."
Stefanie Oliver, Margaret River, Australia, 2010
"My personal journey through the Medicine Wheel was truly a life altering experience. Through the Wheel I was introduced to many of my life’s greatest teachings; taken to a deep level of uncovering the impact of these teachings and then offered the gentle healing I was in need of. During the 10 months of classes I was gifted with insights from the journeys that provided me with direction and clarity in my life. Establishing and nurturing a relationship with the directions has enabled me to understand the compass within me and move into the changes that come in life with ease and confidence. Through the Medicine Wheel one meets teachers that both challenge and nurture; that reveal the light and the shadow. These teachers have been invaluable to my growth and the unfolding that comes when willing to look deeply within. The Wheel continues to guide me in my life; spiritually, emotionally and practically, as I carry it within me and call upon it for guidance. Jaki’s teaching of the Medicine Wheel is exceptional. Through her wisdom and spiritual guidance she creates an atmosphere that encourages one to go on a journey of such depth. With her gentle support one finds the courage to look at life’s mysteries in a fresh way; with optimism and faith. Jaki truly opens the pathway to this journey in such a way that the student experiences her confidence in the process and finds the faith to move beyond their comfort zone. Her compassion and skill act as guideposts along the journey."
Deborah Hollins, Nanaimo, BC, 2007-08
"This Medicine Wheel class has been one of the most fulfilling and enlightening experiences I have ever had. The great thing about the course is that you learn so much about yourself, and you learn to conquer what holds you back from having flow, being complete, having oneness with Creator. The experiences range from wonderful, frightening, enlightening, and mysterious, but most of all, are FULL of MEANING. This work changes your life, how you see, what you do, who you will become. There is magic in the self discovery that comes with the Medicine Wheel."
J. Penner, Calgary, AB, 2007-08